Time for Vietnam to have its own iconic product brand

Sep 29, 2011 | Past Seminars, Seminars, Vietnam

The Shape the World Conference (STWC) titled “Time to build iconic product brands for Vietnam” was focused on changing the mindset of CEOs and Product Development Directors towards building a holistic product experience. Co-organised by Consulus, a regional brand consultancy firm, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce & Industry (VCCI) and Babylons, the conference was attended by some 80 participants from diversified SMEs across Vietnam. The event was held in Hanoi, Vietnam and officially opened by Mr Nguyen Tien Son, Deputy Head of Business Information Center at VCCI.

Mr Nguyen giving the opening speech

Mr Nguyen giving the opening speechVietnam-STWC-3

Ms Helena Pham, Senior Manager, Vietnam at Consulus, subsequently started the session. Mr Lawrence Chong, Director for Strategy, and Mr Felix Fong, Head of International Markets shared insights on the following:

  • How to stand out in a changing world
  • How to shape the world in changing times
  • How Vietnam will shape the world
  • Differences between Lion Brands & Deer Brands
  • How to create a powerful product by changing the perception of the world
  • Case Studies: Applying 4 frames for a unique product experience to shape the world of consumers
  • Case Studies: Applying 3 Signs for a unique design experience to shape the world of luxury
Mr Felix Fong sharing a luxury case study

Mr Felix Fong sharing a luxury case study

Participants broke into smaller groups during the two strategy labs in the afternoon and brainstormed on how to set the lasting formula for a brand symbol of longevity and consequently on how to develop the holistic experience for the given milk product brand.


Participant presenting the formula for 3 Signs

Participant presenting the formula for 3 Signs

Mr Jeffrey Chiu, Director of Finance awarded the certificates to the winning team who adopted best the 4-frame methodology.

Mr Jeffrey Chiu, Director of Finance awarded the certificates to the winning team who adopted best the 4-frame methodology.

“I’m now aware of every single step of building a brand”, shared by Ms Nguyen Thu Hang at VA Group.

“This is my first time to Consulus workshop and I find the topic very fresh and useful for my line of work”, shared by Ms Trinh Ngoc Thao, Branding Executive at Vinacontrol.

Click here for more photos of the conference.

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Tương lai Kiên cường chủ động cho Ngành Giáo dục – Đào tạo

Tương lai Kiên cường chủ động cho Ngành Giáo dục – Đào tạo

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Consulus Việt Nam công bố Sách trắng về mức độ sẵn sàng của Việt Nam cho Công nghiệp 4.0 và thời kỳ hậu đại dịch, đề xuất lộ trình hướng tới nền kinh tế công nghệ cao

Consulus Việt Nam công bố Sách trắng về mức độ sẵn sàng của Việt Nam cho Công nghiệp 4.0 và thời kỳ hậu đại dịch, đề xuất lộ trình hướng tới nền kinh tế công nghệ cao

Hôm nay, Sách trắng Việt Nam Thông minh 4.0 được Consulus Việt Nam, Đại học RMIT Việt Nam và Hiệp hội Nữ doanh nhân Hà Nội ra mắt bằng tiếng Anh và tiếng Việt trước sự chứng kiến của các cơ quan chính phủ, hiệp hội doanh nghiệp và các tổ chức phát triển quốc tế có mặt tại Trung tâm Hợp tác Việt Nam-Singapore.