Thought Leadership
Nature that Heals – A Naturally Inspired Design for the Healthcare Experience
Hospitals are typically functional and sterile environments. How can we design hospitals to make them friendlier and more comfortable for patients?
Developments in Asian Oil & Gas: An Interview with Dr Duncan Clarke
Dr Duncan Clarke shares his views on the state of development of Asia’s Oil & Gas industry.
Wearable Wellness with Sonny Vu of Misfit Wearables
Mr Sonny Vu discusses about Shine’s role in empowering people to be more proactive about their personal health.
Creative China on the Rise
Lessons we can learn from China’s Long March towards Creativity and Innovation.
Win by 3 Principles of Design
How Steve Jobs, Howard Schultz and Ho Kwon Ping applied the principles of design in strategy to gain an edge.
The Cancer of Complacency
How can organisations fight complacency and retain a healthy sense of competitiveness?
America: Failure by Design
Lessons from America’s malfunction for Asian Organisations.
Is your company ready for a United World?
How can people’s desire for collaboration and global ethics shape the behaviour of companies in a new world order?
Right on the Money: Designing a Branch of Interest
Customers’ behaviour and their expectations of a bank are shifting. How can your bank’s approach to branch design help you successfully engage them?
On Shariah-compliant Investments: Interview with Managing Editor of Halal Universe
Ms Hamisah Samad discusses trends of Shariah-compliant investments and’s role in raising financial literacy of the Islamic community.
The 3 Disruptive Trends
How the synergy between data, devices and design are reshaping industries.
K K Hlaing’s Thoughts on Myanmar’s Oil and Gas Sector
The Columnist caught up with Mr. K K Hlaing, Chairman of SMART Group of Companies, to find out how talent development affects the Myanmar Oil & Gas industry.
Do you have an unwieldy brand portfolio?
Three ways to simplify and manage brand portfolio in this new era of Asian business.
Five simple and proven steps to build and retain a winning team
Sourcing and retaining skilled staff stands as the top issue currently keeping CEOs awake at night. Helena Pham shares tips on how companies can build and retain a winning team, regardless of the current company size, budget and ownership type.
Consumers now know what they want
Three ways for Asian brands to adapt to the age of information-led decision making.
Humility is ‘in’
Why humility is the ‘in’ thing to do and how you can use it to nurture innovation.
Để doanh nghiệp thực sự thu được lợi ích ích kinh tế từ đoàn kết nội bộ
Dù các doanh nghiệp thử mọi cách và cố gắng áp dụng những phương thức khác nhau để xây dựng đoàn kết nội bộ, họ vẫn sớm bị thất vọng do cấu trúc tổ chức và các quy trình ngay từ đầu đã không được thiết kế để khuyến khích sự hợp tác nội bộ.
Profit from Unity
How can Asian brands maximise collaboration through a pragmatic approach?
Are you unforgettable?
How Asian brands can design effective visual clues to stick in the minds of consumers.
Future of Asian Dynasties
There are lessons to be learnt from family-owned conglomerates in Asia about thriving in the modern age.
4 Simple Steps that will Make Your Website an Effective Sales Tool
Utility should trump attractiveness. Here are 4 tips that apply to any business in terms of delivering a positive user experience online.
Can Ordinary Asian Companies Ignite Social Revolutions?
Lawrence Chong and Shiraz Latiff share three steps ordinary Asian brands can take to start meaningful revolutions from within in order to shape the world.
How to get extraordinary leaders for an uncertain world
Brands must redesign their leadership development programmes to better secure their future in an increasingly uncertain world.
Change through Collaborative Power: B.PAC
Bangalore Political Action Committee aims to engage the public in political processes to facilitate good governance, greater accountability and better transparency within the government.
Core Values that inspire Greatness
Organisations and companies must put systems in place to live up to the corporate values that they espouse in order to maximise and inspire performance.
Lãnh đạo doanh nghiệp Việt của tương lai
Làm cách nào để các doanh nghiệp Việt Nam vươn lên những công đoạn cao hơn trong chuỗi giá trị, từ đó, vươn lên vị trí lãnh đạo trong bối cảnh kinh tế thế giới nhiều biến động như hiện nay.
A Name to Stand the Test of Time
Lawrence Chong, CEO of Consulus & Shiraz Latiff, CEO of Hummingbird International, talk about how to create a meaningful and unique brand name to galvanise stakeholders and gain a lasting advantage.
Simply serving or serving magical moments?
Why Asian companies must go beyond standard customer service and create innovative experiences to capture market share.
Cuộc chiến bán lẻ: Thời của người tiêu dùng thông minh
Các thương hiệu cần làm gì để bắt kịp xu hướng và đáp ứng nhu cầu của thế hệ người tiêu dùng thông minh như hiện nay?
A Glimpse of The Future of Brunei Retail Now at Airport Mall
DST, the leading telecommunication provider in Brunei, officially opened their new Signature Store at the Airport Mall which spans 6,680 square feet…