by Lawrence Chong | Dec 18, 2012 | Brunei, Commerce, Ideas, Malaysia, Singapore, TheColumnist
2012 has seen several game changers, from the maturing of social media to the redefining of the role of marketing. Change was the buzzword in every sector, as many witnessed how data, networks and design all come together to disrupt existing systems. This has affected...
by Consulus | Jul 10, 2012 | Commerce, English, Ideas, Ideas for Organisation, Organisation, TheColumnist
Business approaches such as BlOcean and Six Sigma are often touted as “The Way” to turn under-performing companies into champions. Many Asian CEOs adopt these approaches with gusto. Some even attempt to apply these approaches one after another, to the confusion of...
by Consulus | Jul 5, 2012 | Events, Ideas, Ideas for Design, Ideas for Organisation, News & Updates, Vietnam
(Xem nội dung bằng tiếng Việt) Lawrence Chong shared key insights with Babylons in an interview on building Vietnamese global brands that can stand the test of time. He will speak at Shape the World Conference 2012, Vietnam, co-organised by Consulus, Yooo Hooo and...
by Helena Pham | Jun 27, 2012 | Events, News & Updates, Past Seminars, Vietnam
(Xem nội dung bằng tiếng Việt) Hanoi (25/06/2012) – Private and public sector leaders from the country will convene at the Shape the World Conference in Hanoi on 16 August 2012 to discuss strategies and review challenges facing Vietnamese brands as a new world order...
by Helena Pham | Jun 27, 2012 | Tiếng Việt, Training, Vietnam
Hà Nội (25/06/2012) – các nhà lãnh đạo khối doanh nghiệp tư nhân, nhà nước và FDI sẽ hội tụ về Hội nghị Hình thành Thế giới tại Hà Nội vào ngày 16 tháng 8 năm 2012 để thảo luận về chiến lược và nhận định về những thách thức mà các thương hiệu Việt Nam đang phải đối...