A 2-day creative summit in Singapore from 20-21 June to gather leaders who care about a better world to imagine new ideas from economy to leadership, business, urban development, healthcare, education to shape a more equitable economy.
Singapore. March 8th, 2019 – The clarion call from the World Economic Forum, APEC to Pope Francis is: there is an urgent need to reshape the socio and economic rules to enable participation and sustainability. Failure to do so will upend the stable global order that has sustained peaceful development, co-existence since the end of the Cold War and usher in a period of narrow interests and extremism.
Shape the World Summit 2019 will convene over 300 diverse stakeholders at the National Design Centre from 20-21st June in Singapore. From politicians, civil service, business leaders, religious, education, domain experts, victims of economic disruption, youth. Participants will come from the US, Italy, Brazil, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, in total about 16 countries will be represented. With the support of Design Singapore Council, the lead national agency of the Singapore Government for Design, the summit will use design thinking approach to gather the thoughts of different stakeholders to imagine new and inclusive ideas on how they can each contribute to shaping a more equitable economy. This will result in a book which will be titled: Imagine a World.
The two-day summit is jointly organized by Consulus and CPG Consultants and it will take place at the National Design Centre.
“Increasingly global corporations have become more profit-focused with minimal regard for socio-economic benefits to the larger audience. Concepts of social responsibility and sustainability have become buzz words for more cosmetic reasons than an organizational commitment to mankind and the environment. In this context, the need for organizations to band together to shape a better world has become even more mandatory. The purpose of our Shape the World Summit is to fill that void in this world. By bringing all the like-minded corporate leaders together in unity, we can shape a better world for our current and future generations.”
Shiraz Latiff, Chairman for Consulus Global Network
“Prof. Schwab of the World Economic Forum has called for new ways to shape an inclusive future. Design thinking as a method that is
Lawrence Chong, Group CEO at Consulus Global Networkhuman-centered , multidisciplinary and multi-stakeholders led can play a unifying role to imagine new ways to shape a more equitable economic model. We have gathered leaders from business, academia, government and non-profit organizations from around the world for a creative discourse on this issue.”
Tickets will be on sale from 11th March.
We invite you to join us. Please email your interests to participate: info@consulus.com
For more information about Shape the World Summit, please visit the official website at www.shapetheworldconference.org.
About Shape the World Summit 2019
Consulus is the convener for Shape the World Conference (STWC), a creative thought-leadership event aimed at providing design-led strategies to inspire companies to transform their business and organizational models to shape a better world. More than 5,000 delegates have participated in STWC from around the region since 2005. The conference was launched in Singapore and has held in
About Consulus
Consulus is a global innovation and design consultancy present in 16 countries. We help leaders, companies and cities unite, transform and innovate by design to meet the challenges of Industry 4.0.
Our Purpose:
Shaping a better and inclusive economic system, by helping leaders, companies and cities discover their better selves by enabling them to become the difference they are meant to be from the inside out.
We are a firm driven by purpose with multidisciplinary capabilities from business,
Consulus is a member of the Economy of Communion Global Network, a group of businesses, professionals and academics committed to shaping a new economic system that favours inclusive growth. www.consulus.com
About DesignSingapore Council
DesignSingapore Council’s (DSG) vision is for Singapore to be an innovation-driven economy and a loveable city through design by 2025. As the national agency that promotes design, our mission is to develop the design sector, help Singapore use design for innovation and growth, and make life better in this UNESCO Creative City of Design. www.designsingapore.org