Helping individuals to discover their better selves and become the difference they are meant to be from the inside out
Purpose precedes objectives, goals and visions. Without a meaningful purpose, all plans, goals and aspirations, no matter how beautiful, will be short-lived.

We are all born with a purpose and a gift. However, many people are unaware of their true gifts, and end up living someone else’s life, thus having no fulfillment in what they do.
it is useful to have a mental framework to help us realize our true gifts: to see, judge, and act in ways that guide our journey toward our personal best and unleash our full potential.
Our Method
By reflecting on these three aspects, one can better discern a personal purpose that helps uncover the master plan you are meant to discover.
These PersonalCORE questions are meant to provoke and guide you toward answers that you inherently know best. They are not meant to be prescriptive.
What is your life purpose?
What are your capabilities in terms of hard and soft skills?
What have you been able to positively impact others based on your skills?
Personal Influence
What are the personal values and beliefs that matter to you?
What communities or networks are you involved in or influencing based on your beliefs and values?
What is your unique difference as a team player?
What difference are you making in the lives of friends, communities, or organizations?
Our Process
Personal Harness using PersonalCORE method: Help each individual find their true gifts and passion and find their purpose of life
A series of people development programs, including My MasterPlan series and peer group feedback sessions to help individuals develop their full potential and achieve their life’s purpose.
Our Tool
My MasterPlan is your precious me-time—a deeply personal experience to reflect on your being and shape your doing. In an age where billions are spent training AI to think, what about us? How much quality time are we dedicating to shaping our being to guide our actions?
This journal is the result of 20 years of accompanying leaders and executives. It offers a creative approach applied by leaders and executives from large corporations to social enterprises. It encourages you to examine your values, beliefs, capabilities, and how you intentionally spend your time.
In today’s fast-paced world, finding your true self and becoming a Changemaker can feel like an elusive dream. That’s where “My MasterPlan” comes in, offering a unique and creative experience to help you uncover your purpose and shape your path to making a difference.
May Your MasterPlan Shape the World
Exclusive Insight Video
Check out the full video:
Have you ever asked yourself “Will Your Gifts Shape The World”?
Check out the full video:
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