
How to Profit from Design

How to Profit from Design

Many Asian CEOs readily admit that they don’t understand design or know how to assess its value to...

5th Shape the World Conference in Vietnam

5th Shape the World Conference in Vietnam

Shape The World Conference 2013, Vietnam is a platform for Vietnamese leaders to review their business models and seek to build stronger brands so as to make a difference for Vietnam.

Core Values that inspire Greatness

Core Values that inspire Greatness

Organisations and companies must put systems in place to live up to the corporate values that they espouse in order to maximise and inspire performance.

A Name to Stand the Test of Time

A Name to Stand the Test of Time

Lawrence Chong, CEO of Consulus & Shiraz Latiff, CEO of Hummingbird International, talk about how to create a meaningful and unique brand name to galvanise stakeholders and gain a lasting advantage.

938 Live Interviews Lawrence Chong on Branding

938 Live Interviews Lawrence Chong on Branding

Consulus CEO, Lawrence Chong, was recently interviewed on 938 Live’s morning programme, “Small Talk, Big Returns”, where he shared his views on the common misconceptions on branding. Read the full transcript.

The Interview by Radio 938 Live about Consulus

The Interview by Radio 938 Live about Consulus

Lawrence Chong, CEO at Consulus, was interviewed by Singapore news radio station, 938 Live on their morning programme, “Small Talk, Big Returns”. Chong shared his views on the common misconceptions on branding, contrasting them with Consulus’ inside-out method. Below is a transcript of the whole interview, broadcast over three days from 8 to 10 April, 2013.

Seek your own philosophy for success

Seek your own philosophy for success

In a series of op-eds in Ceylon Today, Lawrence Chong, CEO of Consulus, and Shiraz Latiff, CEO of Hummingbird International share their insight on the importance of understanding your staff and team.

How to Profit from Failures

How to Profit from Failures

As part of a series of opinion editorials for Ceylon Today, Lawrence Chong, CEO of Consulus, and Shiraz Latiff, CEO of Hummingbird International, contributed their views on “How to Profit from Failures”.