Consulus Italia
La nostra scoperta dopo 2 decenni di Creative Change:
Scopo + Unità = Innovazione e Crescita
I servizi e le soluzioni che forniamo in Italia
- PurposeCORE – Soluzioni per trasformare il business 75%
- PlaceCore – Soluzioni per generare valore economico e sociale nei luoghi e negli ambienti 25%
Il nostro lavoro include:
- Trasformare il business model delle imprese, aiutandole a sviluppare le capacità per innovare e per creare nuove proprietà intellettuali
- Aiutare la pubblica amministrazione e le organizzazioni no-profit a esaminare e ristrutturare le operazioni per favorirne la crescita sostenibile

Dr. Cristian Buceceanu
Senior Strategist
Nel 2023 Consulus torna finalmente a casa tramite la collaborazione con ProLingua International nella persona di Freddy e Leila Nicolas. Da questa collaborazione è nato il nuovo brand Frontrevi, con il quale ProLingua apre uno spazio di cultura, conferenze e arte, dove leader globali possono ‘audacemente ritorvare se stessi’. Leggi qui per conoscere la storia di Consulus, i motivi per cui l’Italia è la sua casa ideale e il legame con il network internazionale di aziende che credono in un mondo migliore.
Consulus porta in Italia soluzioni comprovate in più di venti anni di attività, per quei leader, aziende e città che sentono la necessità di essere resilienti in mezzo ai gravi sconvolgimenti del mondo di oggi per, così, essere protagoniste nei mercati globali attuali. Con la sua metodologia UNIFY, Consulus Italia si prefigge quindi l’obiettivo di modellare un sistema economico migliore e inclusivo, aiutando leader, aziende e città a scoprire il loro lato migliore, consentendo loro di diventare il cambiamento che sono destinati a essere, dal di dentro verso l’esterno.
Insieme alla estesa rete internazionale di consulenti – specializzati in strategie di business, finanza, risorse umane, modelli aziendali e design –, Consulus Italia è guidata da Stanislav Lencs, Regional Director, e da dr. Cristian Buceceanu, Senior Strategist.
In 2023, Consulus finally returns home through the collaboration with ProLingua International, represented by Freddy and Leila Nicolas. This partnership gave birth to the new brand Frontrevi, under which ProLingua opens a space dedicated to culture, conferences, and art, where global leaders can ‘fearlessly find themselves’. Read here to learn about Consulus’ journey, why Italy is its ideal home, and its connection to the international network of companies who believe in shaping a better world.
Consulus brings to Italy proven solutions from over twenty years of experience for leaders, companies, and cities that feel the need to be resilient amid today’s significant global disruptions, empowering them to take a leading role in current global markets. With its UNIFY methodology, Consulus Italy aims to shape a better and inclusive economic system, by helping leaders, companies, and cities discover their better selves by enabling them to become the difference they are meant to be from the inside out.
Supported by a global circle of consultants with specialization in business strategy, finance, human resource, business model and service design transformation, Consulus Italy is led by Stanislav Lencz, Regional Director, and Dr. Cristian Buceceanu, Senior Strategist.
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Consulus Philippines officially launched to help Philippine firms navigate and emerge stronger with purpose and unity
Amidst this challenging time where many businesses are in crisis, Consulus is officially launched in the Philippines to offer solutions for innovation and growth through this period of change. Consulus Philippines will be based in Manila, working in tight...
Hỏi & Đáp xoay trục COVID-19: Tâm lý chủ doanh nghiệp
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Shape the World through Consulting
WELCOME & OPENING REMARKS AT THE CONSULUS 2020 GLOBAL SCHOOL BY JIM FUNK, CHAIRMAN, CONSULUS GLOBAL NETWORK – June 17, 2020 Hello, and welcome to the 2020 Consulus Extraordinary Global School! My name is Jim Funk, and I have had the honor and privilege to serve as...
Taking control of your personal development during COVID-19
The most responsible advice ever dispensed by a World Leader in the context of COVID-19 was given by Ms Jacinda Arden, the Prime Minister of New Zealand, when she promoted that the best solution to mitigating the spread of the disease was to “act like you have...
COVID-19 Reveals Harsh Inequalities in a Digital World
From government officials to mainstream media and even celebrities, COVID-19 has been touted as “the great equalizer.” It is a pandemic that transcends wealth, fame, prestige, or age. We are all at risk. Superficially this is true, however, it is more accurate to say...
Trường học Consulus 2020 – Việt Nam
Vào 2 ngày 17&18 tháng 10 năm 2020, Consulus, tập đoàn tư vấn đổi mới toàn cầu với năng lực quản trị kinh doanh và thiết kế đa lĩnh vực sẽ tổ chức Trường học Consulus phiên bản Việt Nam lần đầu tiên tại Hà Nội.
FTA: A Key Resource For Business in COVID-19 Era
This article is part of our COVID-19 series to aid small businesses as part of our Economy of Communion initiative COVID-19 has certainly turned the world upside down. Not in a hundred years has the world seen a single global event that had the capacity to halt...
Consulus has conducted the Extraordinary Global School 2020, titled: With Others – Defining our Exceptional Way of Service, which brought together over 56 members from 20 countries online to discuss new solutions and methods of engagement for the post COVID-19 world.
Singapore, 19 June 2020 – Consulus has conducted its 4th global school with over 56 members from 20 countries. The 3-day virtual event convened members from the global network to discuss how COVID-19 has changed the consulting industry, and to discuss ways to redefine...
Managing Real Estate Risks in a VUCA World
The current COVID-19 crisis has served as a clear reminder to all businesses about the volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (or VUCA in short) of the world today. In the last 30 years (1990-2020), we have experienced quite a few significant...
COVID-19: How Small Businesses Can Adapt to the New Normal
This article is part of our COVID-19 Series to help small enterprises who are most at risk of adapting to the new normal. In our survey and subsequent conversations with business owners, it is clear that they are shell-shocked, and it is understandable. Many have seen...
Phiên Hỏi & Đáp xoay trục Covid-19 số 4 đã diễn ra thành công vào sáng nay, 6/5/2020
Với những gợi ý trên, Consulus chúng tôi hy vọng những lãnh đạo doanh nghiệp của chúng ta không bao giờ cô đơn, không bạc tóc và không phải vò đầu bứt tai khi chạy xuyên qua cuộc khủng hoảng Côvit bất thường này. Nắm bắt cơ hội mới trong nguy cơ là điều chúng tôi muốn chúc các bạn!”
Vuoi sviluppare un’impresa capace di essere influente nel mondo?