Consulus Italia
La nostra scoperta dopo 2 decenni di Creative Change:
Scopo + Unità = Innovazione e Crescita
I servizi e le soluzioni che forniamo in Italia
- PurposeCORE – Soluzioni per trasformare il business 75%
- PlaceCore – Soluzioni per generare valore economico e sociale nei luoghi e negli ambienti 25%
Il nostro lavoro include:
- Trasformare il business model delle imprese, aiutandole a sviluppare le capacità per innovare e per creare nuove proprietà intellettuali
- Aiutare la pubblica amministrazione e le organizzazioni no-profit a esaminare e ristrutturare le operazioni per favorirne la crescita sostenibile

Dr. Cristian Buceceanu
Senior Strategist
Nel 2023 Consulus torna finalmente a casa tramite la collaborazione con ProLingua International nella persona di Freddy e Leila Nicolas. Da questa collaborazione è nato il nuovo brand Frontrevi, con il quale ProLingua apre uno spazio di cultura, conferenze e arte, dove leader globali possono ‘audacemente ritorvare se stessi’. Leggi qui per conoscere la storia di Consulus, i motivi per cui l’Italia è la sua casa ideale e il legame con il network internazionale di aziende che credono in un mondo migliore.
Consulus porta in Italia soluzioni comprovate in più di venti anni di attività, per quei leader, aziende e città che sentono la necessità di essere resilienti in mezzo ai gravi sconvolgimenti del mondo di oggi per, così, essere protagoniste nei mercati globali attuali. Con la sua metodologia UNIFY, Consulus Italia si prefigge quindi l’obiettivo di modellare un sistema economico migliore e inclusivo, aiutando leader, aziende e città a scoprire il loro lato migliore, consentendo loro di diventare il cambiamento che sono destinati a essere, dal di dentro verso l’esterno.
Insieme alla estesa rete internazionale di consulenti – specializzati in strategie di business, finanza, risorse umane, modelli aziendali e design –, Consulus Italia è guidata da Stanislav Lencs, Regional Director, e da dr. Cristian Buceceanu, Senior Strategist.
In 2023, Consulus finally returns home through the collaboration with ProLingua International, represented by Freddy and Leila Nicolas. This partnership gave birth to the new brand Frontrevi, under which ProLingua opens a space dedicated to culture, conferences, and art, where global leaders can ‘fearlessly find themselves’. Read here to learn about Consulus’ journey, why Italy is its ideal home, and its connection to the international network of companies who believe in shaping a better world.
Consulus brings to Italy proven solutions from over twenty years of experience for leaders, companies, and cities that feel the need to be resilient amid today’s significant global disruptions, empowering them to take a leading role in current global markets. With its UNIFY methodology, Consulus Italy aims to shape a better and inclusive economic system, by helping leaders, companies, and cities discover their better selves by enabling them to become the difference they are meant to be from the inside out.
Supported by a global circle of consultants with specialization in business strategy, finance, human resource, business model and service design transformation, Consulus Italy is led by Stanislav Lencz, Regional Director, and Dr. Cristian Buceceanu, Senior Strategist.
Shape the World Summit convenes Global Leaders and Professionals from diverse sectors to Shape a Better Economy by Design
The 4-hour virtual global summit on 21 June 2021 by Consulus Global to shape and amplify impact in four aspects from better businesses, non-profits, communities, and leadership.
Helping Companies During Covid-19 for Social Impact, the Experience of Consulus Global
Talk by Rebecca Teo, Deputy Head for Strategic Perspectives at Consulus Global, at the EoC Asia Pacific Summit 2021, Day 2: Community and Impact
Shape the World Summit 2021: Shape a Better Economy by Design
The summit is expected to draw representatives from 12 international organisations from 7 countries, and over 400 delegates from 20 nations covering 4 continents, from different academic, social, racial and religious backgrounds. The entire program will be on zoom and livestreamed on FB and Youtube as well. Participants who sign up will be able to participate in breakout rooms for networking via ZOOM.
Hướng dẫn xây dựng và nâng cao năng lực bộ máy nhân sự cấp trung và cấp cao
Tổng hợp các bài viết về Hướng dẫn xây dựng và nâng cao năng lực bộ máy nhân sự cấp trung và cấp cao
GDC đồng hành cùng Consulus tái định vị chiến lược nâng cao giá trị doanh nghiệp và chính thức ra mắt bộ nhận diện thương hiệu mới
Công ty Cổ phần Tập đoàn GDC chính thức công bố sứ mệnh và tầm nhìn 2035 cùng với bộ nhận diện thương hiệu mới, đánh dấu bước chuyển mình mạnh mẽ sau dự án MụcđíchCỐTLÕI đồng hành cùng đơn vị tư vấn đổi mới toàn cầu, Consulus Việt Nam.
A Complex and Volatile World Calls for a Different Kind of Leadership Development
Written by: Sara Johnson, Jim Funk, Lawrence Chong Today, a leader deals with far more information and decisions in an hour than a leader 25 years ago. Thanks to technology, we have more resources to do things with immediacy but not enough time to...
Professional Certification for Ms Rebecca Teo
Consulus Singapore is pleased to announce that Ms Rebecca Teo Ming Zhen, our Deputy Head for Strategic Perspectives is now certified as a Professional Singapore Certified Management Consultant by TUV SUD PSB Pte Ltd. Her recognised areas of expertise includes Business...
Hướng dẫn xây dựng văn hoá doanh nghiệp 101
Tổng hợp các bài viết về xây dựng văn hoá doanh nghiệp
Vì sao doanh nghiệp cần đổi mới sáng tạo?
Tổng hợp các bài viết về xây dựng và triển khai chiến lược đổi mới sáng tạo
Consulus Vietnam continues shaping shining stars of innovation
“Having been in Consulus for 10 years, building Consulus Vietnam for 9 years and now celebrating its 3rd official anniversary has been an unimaginably rewarding experience.”, reflected Helena Pham, Managing Director of Consulus Vietnam, Partner of Consulus Global.
Shaping Creative Resilience during COVID-19 – Partnership between Consulus and DAP
Speech delivering during the Partnership Signing Ceremony between Consulus and DAP Good afternoon President Caronan and dear friends at the Development Academy of the Philippines. And a shout-out to Gino Bulan, our Country Director for Consulus Phillippines who...
DAP Partners with Consulus on Innovation and Leadership Programs for Government Agencies and Local Government Units
Manila, Philippines, October 12, 2020 – Today, through an online ceremony, the Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Consulus, a global innovation consultancy firm, to co-create leadership programs for...
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