Consulus Italia
La nostra scoperta dopo 2 decenni di Creative Change:
Scopo + Unità = Innovazione e Crescita
I servizi e le soluzioni che forniamo in Italia
- PurposeCORE – Soluzioni per trasformare il business 75%
- PlaceCore – Soluzioni per generare valore economico e sociale nei luoghi e negli ambienti 25%
Il nostro lavoro include:
- Trasformare il business model delle imprese, aiutandole a sviluppare le capacità per innovare e per creare nuove proprietà intellettuali
- Aiutare la pubblica amministrazione e le organizzazioni no-profit a esaminare e ristrutturare le operazioni per favorirne la crescita sostenibile

Dr. Cristian Buceceanu
Senior Strategist
Nel 2023 Consulus torna finalmente a casa tramite la collaborazione con ProLingua International nella persona di Freddy e Leila Nicolas. Da questa collaborazione è nato il nuovo brand Frontrevi, con il quale ProLingua apre uno spazio di cultura, conferenze e arte, dove leader globali possono ‘audacemente ritorvare se stessi’. Leggi qui per conoscere la storia di Consulus, i motivi per cui l’Italia è la sua casa ideale e il legame con il network internazionale di aziende che credono in un mondo migliore.
Consulus porta in Italia soluzioni comprovate in più di venti anni di attività, per quei leader, aziende e città che sentono la necessità di essere resilienti in mezzo ai gravi sconvolgimenti del mondo di oggi per, così, essere protagoniste nei mercati globali attuali. Con la sua metodologia UNIFY, Consulus Italia si prefigge quindi l’obiettivo di modellare un sistema economico migliore e inclusivo, aiutando leader, aziende e città a scoprire il loro lato migliore, consentendo loro di diventare il cambiamento che sono destinati a essere, dal di dentro verso l’esterno.
Insieme alla estesa rete internazionale di consulenti – specializzati in strategie di business, finanza, risorse umane, modelli aziendali e design –, Consulus Italia è guidata da Stanislav Lencs, Regional Director, e da dr. Cristian Buceceanu, Senior Strategist.
In 2023, Consulus finally returns home through the collaboration with ProLingua International, represented by Freddy and Leila Nicolas. This partnership gave birth to the new brand Frontrevi, under which ProLingua opens a space dedicated to culture, conferences, and art, where global leaders can ‘fearlessly find themselves’. Read here to learn about Consulus’ journey, why Italy is its ideal home, and its connection to the international network of companies who believe in shaping a better world.
Consulus brings to Italy proven solutions from over twenty years of experience for leaders, companies, and cities that feel the need to be resilient amid today’s significant global disruptions, empowering them to take a leading role in current global markets. With its UNIFY methodology, Consulus Italy aims to shape a better and inclusive economic system, by helping leaders, companies, and cities discover their better selves by enabling them to become the difference they are meant to be from the inside out.
Supported by a global circle of consultants with specialization in business strategy, finance, human resource, business model and service design transformation, Consulus Italy is led by Stanislav Lencz, Regional Director, and Dr. Cristian Buceceanu, Senior Strategist.
CEO of Consulus to share insights at Singapore Institute of Architects (SIA) Practice Convention 2016
Lawrence Chong, CEO of Consulus, has accepted the invitation to be the Regional Business Speaker at the Singapore Institute of Architects (SIA) Practice Convention 2016.
Consulus partnership with Roop for Bangladesh featured in AdAsia
Consulus prides itself on the methodologies of business design it has developed over the years and obviously hopes to use these to help companies and government agencies in Bangladesh.
Business leaders in Thailand to rethink their business models for sustainable growth
This year’s Shape the World Conference 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand is themed “How to redesign your business for sustainable growth”. It is aimed to help business leaders in the country think about how they can shape the region’s future by building companies that are drivers of innovation through business design.
Disney CEO search: What a new age media company CEO should be like – Consulus comments on Marketing Magazine
In comments to Marketing Magazine, Lawrence Chong, CEO of Consulus shared that we live in a time where there is immense room for cross pollination of industries and that’s where great experiences come in. A new CEO will need to be willing to experience with partnerships and be willing to take risks.
Consulus partnership with Roop for Bangladesh featured in Marketing Magazine
Consulus, global innovation and design consultancy firm has partnered with Roop, an integrated advertising agency in Bangladesh, to help local brands redesign for sustainable growth. The partnership was officially signed on 31 March 2016 at The National Design Centre.
Consulus and Roop partner to introduce business design into Bangladesh
Global innovation and design consultancy firm Consulus has entered into partnership with an integrated advertising agency in Bangladesh, Roop, to help Bangladesh brands redesign for sustainable growth.
Petronas dragged into political turmoil – Consulus comments on NewsBase
“If you operate in Asia corruption is an age-old menace and business still has to go on,” Lawrence Chong, CEO of Consulus, told NewsBase.
Giảm thiểu tổn thất do bất đồng nội bộ – Consulus chia sẻ trên Doanh Nhân Sài Gòn
Mới đây, bà Phạm Thị Thu Hằng, Đối tác Chiến lược, Consulus Việt Nam đã chia sẻ trên báo Doanh Nhân Sài Gòn, số 381 ra ngày 16/3/2016 về những giải pháp để giảm thiểu tổn thất gây ra bởi bất đồng nội bộ.
Khi công sở biến thành cuộc chiến
Khi bất đồng xảy ra, chỗ làm trở thành một cuộc chiến vô hình. Loại chiến tranh này không lấy đi mạng sống của ai cả nhưng lại đang giam lỏng rất nhiều người. Làm thế nào để giảm thiểu các tổn thất do bất đồng nội bộ gây ra?
Helena Pham speaks at Hanoi Association for Women Entrepreneurs Workshop
Congratulations to Ms Helena Pham, Partner at Consulus Vietnam, for officially becoming a member of The Hanoi Association for Women Entrepreneurs (HNEW).
Thailand lapses into navel gazing – Consulus comments on NewsBase
Lawrence Chong, CEO and co-founder of Consulus, told NewsBase that excessive government intervention was not good for the oil and gas sector but added that, given the global industry’s current crisis and the uncertain near-term future of the government, there seemed to be little other choice.
A Vietnamese Strategy for an Open World
If Vietnamese companies want to compete on an equal footing as a new wave of competition appears on the horizon, then it is a matter of choice and not about the environment.
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