We will partner with you to help expedite the implementation process to arrive to your desired future state of resilience.

Each module takes the following 3 steps for success


Navigate challenges,
seize opportunities


Design a new strategic
core with purpose


We will help you implement the new model with precision

Redesign for Resilience Success

Resilient Business Model Pivot

We will partner with you to map out a purpose-driven plan for your business model pivot to be more resilient.

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Resilient Culture Pivot

We will partner with you to implement a new culture by design to enable higher level of trust.

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Resilient Business Model Pivot

We will partner with you to map out a purpose-driven plan for your business model pivot to be more resilient.

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Resilient Culture Pivot

We will partner with you to implement a new culture by design to enable higher level of trust.

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Resilient Financial Model Pivot

We will partner with you to implement a financial model with consideration for sales, financing and investment plans.

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Resilient Product and Experience Pivot

We will partner with you to redesign products and services to shape new opportunities and revenue pathways.

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Resilient Brand Pivot

We will partner with you to implement a new brand and marketing by design increase the influence of our cause and creative vision.

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Resilient Financial Model Pivot

We will partner with you to implement a financial model with consideration for sales, financing and investment plans.

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Resilient Product and Experience Pivot

We will partner with you to redesign products and services to shape new opportunities and revenue pathways.

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Resilient Brand Pivot

We will partner with you to implement a new brand and marketing by design increase the influence of our cause and creative vision.

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Resilient Business Model Pivot

We will partner with you to map out a purpose-driven plan for your business model pivot to be more resilient.

From US$19,500


Opportunities Mapping

2-week review of viable opportunities for your organisation

2 weeks review of business processes.


Business Model Design

4-week business model design, value chain & revenue streams eco-system design.

1 day workshop.

Process Design

4-week process design.

1 day workshop.


Implementation of New Revenue Framework

4 weeks development of new revenue guides for strategic growth.

1 day workshop.

Implementation of New Tools

4 weeks development of new SOP guide (includes 1day of staff training to use strategic tool).

The motivation for this transformation exercise is to look for a new growth driver and move up the value chain, not just manufacturing, not just doing contract works for others. The exercise has worked very well and it was enlightening and also encouraging to be nudged into exploring new areas.

Wilson Teo

Managing Director, Teo Garments


Resilient Financial Model Pivot

Develop a viable strategy to finance your business growth.

From US$11,700


Business & Financial Mapping

2 weeks of review of business value propositions and strategic plans.


Strategic Proposal Design

4 weeks development of financing or investment strategy, financial modellings (includes 1day of presentation).


Implementation of Financing Plan

4 weeks development of final proposal to relevant stakeholder(s) (includes 1day of training to use strategic tool).

Consulus delivered on their innovation-by-design methedology which helped us sharpen our value proposition and broadened the vision of our business model during the pitch deck development process. This helped us close an over-subscribed pre-seed funding round of US$750k in 2 weeks that included investors like Y Combinator, Mr Koh Boon Hwee and Patsnap founder Jeffrey Tiong.

Bjorn Lee

Founder, CEO, MINDFI


Resilient Culture Pivot

We will partner with you to implement a new culture by design to enable higher level of trust.

From US$21,500


Opportunities Mapping

4 weeks review of talent management, organisational identity and culture building processes.


Organisational Model & Culture Design

4 weeks of process design (includes one day for presentation)


Implementation of New Tools

8 weeks of development new SOP guide (includes 1day of staff training to use strategic tool).

Prior to COVID-19, fortunately with our partner Consulus, we have already defined a clear cause to fight for and a new business model to reshape the baby industry in ASEAN. When the Pandemic struck, I was forced to accelerate my plans. I was fortunate to be able to count on a great team who had to labor long hours to pivot from the exhibition business into both e-commerce and retail at the same time. It was a very stressful period but now our business model is far more resilient.

William Chin

Founder and Managing Director, Mummys Market


Resilient Product and Experience Pivot

We will partner with you to redesign products and services to shape new opportunities and revenue pathways.

From US$18,500


Opportunities Mapping

2 weeks review of business processes.


Experience Design

4-week product and experience design (includes one day for presentation)


Implementation of New Tools

12 weeks development of prototype and product development process guidelines (includes 1day of staff training to use strategic tool).

Perdana Privilege Banking Service was created specifically with the Bruneian customer in mind – and not a force fit of features offered by other banks, some of which may have very little relevance to the needs of our clients.

Javed Ahmad

Managing Director, BIBD


Resilient Brand Pivot

We will partner with you to implement a new brand and marketing by design, and increase the influence of our cause and creative vision.

From US$14,900


Opportunities Mapping

2 weeks review of branding and marketing processes.


Process Design

4-week process design (includes one day for presentation)


Implementation of New Tools

8 weeks development new SOP guide (includes 1day of staff training to use strategic tool).

The construction industry is oriented to become one of the spearheads of the Vietnam economy in the near future. Aware of this, GDC has been transforming, starting with the most core values ​​of the business, with an aim to deliver higher values ​​to customers and partners, as well as shape smart developments ​​for the communities. Thank you Consulus team for creating a new identity for us, which accurately describes us and conveys a strategic and unique value proposition to all stakeholders.

Nguyen Ngoc Hoang

CEO, GDC Group

Take that leap today!

Find out more about how to achieve future resilience by design your business.

Ready to implement your Future Resilience by Design?

Quick Assessment

for Future Resilience


In a hurry to get quick answers, simply take this quick assessment done through an initial 15 minute survey followed by a one-hour clinic session with one of our team.

Holistic Assessment

for Future Resilience


You are willing to dedicate time and want to review comprehensively and work out a new gameplan. Then take this 4 weeks review which comes with a 2-hour workshop.