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Consulus launches new venture to tell stories of Changemakers worldwide

Jul 5, 2024 | Consulus Press, English, Media, News & Updates, Press Release, Shape The World Summit, STWC Media Release

To expand the company’s mission of helping more people amplify their cause of creatively changing the world, Consulus has recently launched its official publishing imprint, Consulus Press, during the Gala Dinner in Jewel Changi, Singapore on 21 June. 

For its maiden offering, Consulus Press published the book Creative Change by Lawrence Chong, Group CEO of Consulus, which exemplifies 80 ways of seeing and becoming a Changemaker to shape the world. During his keynote address and official launching, Lawrence talked about how the book came to fruition and how it is not a “manual” for navigating life but rather a creative guide that will journey with Changemakers and Changemakers-to-be.

Consulus Press also designed and published the English version of  Garden of Givers, which explores the perspectives of companies from the Philippines, Argentina, Paraguay, and South Korea. Through extensive fieldwork, the author, Anouk Grevin, examines the “culture of giving,” and argues that giving can redefine business relationships, foster hope, and drive entrepreneurship. The book was translated by Gaspard Guy Laurent Lorthiois and was initiated and commissioned by Megan Foundation Inc.

During the STWS 2024, Paul Matangcas, Content Strategist at Consulus, sat down with Teresa Ganzon, President of Megan Foundation Inc., to talk about the Economy of Communion (EoC) and why reading the book matters now more than ever. 

Consulus republished the best-selling book Rethinking Parenting by Eric Lim, Founder and CEO of Parendigm, which mainly asks: Have you ever wondered why some families have an easy parenting journey while some face a lot of stress? This creative parenting playbook features mini-stories to help readers reflect on their own experiences and navigate the intricacies of parenting. 

Consulus Press published Creative Change Movements, a book composed of 20 stories that encapsulates the work of Consulus throughout the years—structured across three main themes—and serves as a comprehensive introduction to anyone who might not know what the company is all about. You may access it for free here

In the coming years, Consulus Press will further solidify its position as a global creative change publishing house by producing more high-quality content that speaks to its tagline, “We tell the stories of Changemakers who shape the world.”

Currently in the pipeline is the forthcoming book on holistic leadership by Lawrence Chong and Jim Funk, Consulus Global Fellow, inspired by the Holistic Leadership for a Complex World training series, which seeks to provide insights and practical approaches to developing a well-rounded leadership style.

All books are now available for purchase.

Creative Change

Garden of Givers 

Rethinking Parenting

About Consulus Press

Consulus Press is the publication arm of global creative change firm Consulus dedicated to publishing high-quality works that seek to inspire and empower readers globally. We believe in creatively amplifying the voices of Changemakers in advocating for their cause. 

“We tell the stories of Changemakers who shape the world.”

About Shape the World Summit

The Shape the World Conference (STWC), now known as the Shape the World Summit (STWS), was started by Consulus in 2005 with a simple mission: to get Changemakers to rethink their purpose and make a difference in shaping a better world. Since then, more than 6,000 leaders have attended the STWS, which has been held in countries such as Bangladesh, the Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia. Over the years, the event has featured various themes, including “Designing Sustainable and Smart Cities,” “Designing a More Equitable Economic System,” and “Future Resilience by Sustainability: Building Sustainable Movements While Navigating a New World of AI and Data.”

About Consulus

Consulus is a global creative change firm serving persons, companies, and cities in their transfiguration for an Economy of Communion (EoC). Consulus believes that purpose and unity are essential for innovation and inclusive growth. Since 2004, Consulus has implemented systemic innovation solutions with multidisciplinary business and design capabilities throughout the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Europe. With a presence in 23 nations globally, Consulus believes in shaping an inclusive socio-economic system and is a member of the EoC network.

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