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Industry 4.0 and Its Impact on Business, Strategies for Companies
The talk by Dr Paolo Frizzi on the larger global context of the 4th Industrial Revolution and to further present what we learned at Consulus: that is, how businesses today are becoming extraordinary places where change can be developed and applied. From this point of advantage, business leaders can have a direct role to positively affect this economic shift, in a way, never before experienced in this scale.
The Columnist | Issue 37 | Special Edition: 5th World Company Day
As we celebrate the 5th World Company Day with over 200 signatories today, we would like to invite you to reflect and be inspired to act on this theme “Organize for the Future Good”. Read how some signatories from Sri Lanka and Taiwan build a thriving business while making a difference to shape a better world.
Organize for the Future Good
Since 2013 it has become clear to us, that companies must be more than just beneficiaries of the economic system and contribute to making it better through our work. So being voices and actors for the future good is even more critical today.
Alliance Finance Company PLC and their “Others before Self” culture
WCD speaks with Romani de Silva, Deputy Chairman and Managing Director of Alliance Finance Company PLC, the third oldest finance company in Sri Lanka, to find out about what they are doing to shape the world.
World Company Day experience in Taiwan: Social Impact and Economy of Communion
After the partnership with Siziwan Educational Foundation from Kaohsiung last year October, we were happy to bring the World Company Day (WCD) initiative to Taiwan through the Social Entrepreneurship Forum & Workshop in June with over 200 participants. Vincent...
The Columnist | Issue 36 | A New Age of Consultancy
In this issue, we invite you to read about this new breed of consultant; a PurposeCORE case study on how a trusted supplier of 30 years moved up the value chain; and an interview with a man pursuing a big dream for Sarawak – Dato Chris Chung, Group CEO of Saradise Sdn Bhd.
Planting the seed of purpose in Consulus Brazil
Relentless in its growth, Consulus has expanded yet again to Brazil. The opening of Consulus Brazil was sealed with the welcoming of Carlos Xavier, our senior consultant in Brazil.
The Columnist | Issue 35 | Rewriting the rules of the economic system
In this issue, read about the thought-provoking reflection about the talk of the economy by Pope Francis; find out what makes employees satisfied with their jobs besides compensation and a PurposeCore case study on how to nurture bonds of love.
Back to basic: What is company culture?
So what is corporate culture? Why does everyone seem to have so many different interpretations?
Pope Francis Delivered The Hard Talk About The Economy That Davos Didn’t
Pope Francis is challenging us to remember that the economy must be at the service of humanity and not become the dictator of our values and actions.
An Asian Method of Business Design for Innovation
Lawrence Chong, CEO of Consulus, shared experiences and insights on how design is a key driver of innovation, and how it has a transformative impact on individuals and corporations, creating game-changing possibilities for a better world, at the Innovation by Design Conference 2017 in Singapore on March 8.
The Columnist | Issue 34 | 2017: Time for Solutions, Not Rhetoric
2016 has proven to be a year of seismic changes: Donald Trump’s historic win and Brexit were the most unimaginable events. What this mean is, we need to prepare ourselves to be ready for change and learn how to lead it in 2017. In this issue, read about the 4 principles for effective change in business and learn how to see things in unity with others so as to see the future with new eyes.
The Columnist is a quarterly online news channel that promotes global ideas and perspectives to shape a united world towards one of purpose and unity. It reaches out to about 300,000 leaders and professionals, in political, civil and business fields. Personalities and institutions who have been featured here include: Mr Masaaki Kanai, President of MUJI, Religions for Peace, Mr Paul Finch, Program director of the World Architecture Festival (WAF), Project Syndicate.
Every issue we cover the following topics:
- Commerce – Business, organisation profile and opinion
- Civilisation – Technology, innovation, power, social profile and opinion
- Creativity – Design, arts and cultural profile and opinion
- Case Study – Showcase of organisations and places seeking to make a difference from the inside-out
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