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Pennacchi: A Brazilian business group that strives to serve its customers and stakeholders, help civil society and preserve the environment.
It is commonly said that the strength of a business group can be measured by its solidity and broad market performance. For 57 years, Pennacchi has been recognized for this, but above all for the values it defends and for its strong support of social projects. The...
Pennacchi: no Brasil, há 50 anos um grupo empresarial se esforça para servir bem a seus clientes e steakholders, ajudar a sociedade civil e preservar o meio ambiente.
Read in English. Normalmente se diz que um grupo empresarial é forte por sua solidez e ampla atuação no mercado. Há 50 anos, Pennacchi é reconhecido também por isso, mas sobretudo pelos valores que defende, e por apoiar projetos sociais. O Grupo atua nos segmentos de...
The Columnist | Issue 42 | December 2018 | Reflections of Thanksgiving
We are filled with gratitude as we mark an extraordinary year. At the same time, we know that there is much to do in shaping an inclusive and sustainable Industry 4.0. But we are grateful that we have a growing network of friends who share our mission. Thank you for...
The Columnist | Issue 41 | Special Edition: 6th World Company Day
A growing movement of enlightened customers and working professionals are holding brands accountable for how they are shaping a better world through daily work. We are seeing the end of token corporate social responsibility and a move towards a holistic approach to...
Sustainable Economy: Do or Die
Seeing how people were fired up when they learned that Burberry routinely burns luxury clothes instead of doing something useful with them, shows how far we have come. A lot of companies still hold on to the illusion that a token charity initiative here and there, or...
The Columnist | Issue 40 | June 2018 | Consulus 14th Anniversary: Multiplicity
In this issue, we invite you to read about how we work to change the rules of the economic system to prevent future victims, the official announcement about our newly elected Chairman of the Global Network, the launch of Brazilian 4.0 – a future-ready programme to help enterprises and individuals in Brazil, and the upcoming Shape The World Conference 2018 organised by CPG Consultants and Consulus in Singapore this July at the National Design Centre.
Calling On The Crazy Ones To Unite
If Steve Jobs could unite his team to change the world by creating better user experiences then surely we can unite people for an even more urgent and existential task: that of transforming our economy to be more sustainable and inclusive.
The Columnist | Issue 39: Seeking Leaders of Unity in an Age of Disruption
This new age of Industry 4.0 with its complex set of challenges will need leaders who know how to work with others to create new solutions. In order to address this need, Consulus is pleased to launch LeadershipCORE™ – a new executive leadership development program in partnership with Sophia University Institute to shape a new generation of leaders. This quarter also marks a significant milestone in our 14 years as we welcome three countries to our global network: Laos, Malaysia and the United States of America.
An Interview with Jay Hein, President of Sagamore Institute
The Columnist asks Jay Hein, President of Sagamore Institute on his organisation and also his thoughts about the partnership with Consulus and Sophia serves in shaping leaders of unity.
Consulus, Introduces LeadershipCORE™ – Holistic Leadership for a Complex World
Consulus is pleased to announce the launch of its new leadership product line, LeadershipCORE™. This consists of experiential courses and programmes designed to prepare leaders for what the World Economic Forum has called the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Seeking Leaders of Unity in an Age of Disruption
Photo by Norbert von Niman on Unsplash By Jim Funk and Lawrence Chong This new age with its complex set of challenges will need leaders who know how to work with others to create new solutions. The thunderous blast of SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy into the clear blue sky...
The Columnist | Issue 38 | 2017: Human-centered Digital Transformation
2016 has proven to be a year of seismic changes: Donald Trump’s historic win and Brexit were the most unimaginable events. What this mean is, we need to prepare ourselves to be ready for change and learn how to lead it in 2017. In this issue, read about the 4 principles for effective change in business and learn how to see things in unity with others so as to see the future with new eyes.
The Columnist is a quarterly online news channel that promotes global ideas and perspectives to shape a united world towards one of purpose and unity. It reaches out to about 300,000 leaders and professionals, in political, civil and business fields. Personalities and institutions who have been featured here include: Mr Masaaki Kanai, President of MUJI, Religions for Peace, Mr Paul Finch, Program director of the World Architecture Festival (WAF), Project Syndicate.
Every issue we cover the following topics:
- Commerce – Business, organisation profile and opinion
- Civilisation – Technology, innovation, power, social profile and opinion
- Creativity – Design, arts and cultural profile and opinion
- Case Study – Showcase of organisations and places seeking to make a difference from the inside-out
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