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Attracting Talent Through Space Design: Interview with Paul Finch
Paul Finch from the World Architecture Festival shares with us how architectural design can play a role in promoting creativity, collaboration and talents at work.
Central Park Sydney: A development that communicates with the community
Lisa McCutchion from Frasers Property Australia shares with us their efforts in embracing community consultation and engagement transforming Sydney’s Central Park while maintaining its unique culture.
Rethinking Design
The design bug is catching on in a big way in Asia, with even governments embracing the role of design in policy. Here are two photos to sum up the two years and our thoughts on how designers should evolve as we enter 2013.
Finding gold in trash: An interview with Illac Diaz
A Liter of Light, affected about 300,000 houses around the world in 10 countries. Illac Diaz, the social entrepreneur driving the project, shares how objects to solve social problems need not be complex to go viral.
Five simple and proven steps to build and retain a winning team
Sourcing and retaining skilled staff stands as the top issue currently keeping CEOs awake at night. Helena Pham shares tips on how companies can build and retain a winning team, regardless of the current company size, budget and ownership type.
Interactive Design: An Interview with Prof. Joachim Sauter
Prof. Joachim Sauter, Head of Design at ART+COM responsible for interactive projects like “Salt Worldwide” at the German Salt Museum, shares on how digital technologies and design principles is used to develop new possibilities.
Country Spotlight: The Rise of Asia’s South
We shine the spotlight on four countries to give a glimpse of how they will lead the next wave of growth in Asia.
Rethinking the Value of Objects: Interview with MUJI’s President, Masaaki Kanai
The Columnist interviewed President Masaaki Kanai about MUJI’s design philosophy and his opinions on the value of objects in society today.
New ways to engage people in the new normal
Community engagement at different levels gains support from your stakeholders or influences opinions. Here’s three examples where organisations used interactivity to boost their signal.
How to get more bang for your social media buck
Find out how your company can make more effective use of social media to enhance its online brand experience, create brand advocates and ultimately impact the bottom line.
No Longer Business as Usual
2012 has seen several game changers, from the maturing of social media to the redefining of the role of marketing. From technology to Islamic finance, we have identified seven ideas to look out for in 2013.
Many Features to Like, Few Reasons to Love
The incremental innovation that many of the latest gadgets tout actually do little to improve the customer experience. Roy Chen, Senior Strategy Consultant at Consulus, outlines what is important in product development.
The Columnist is a quarterly online news channel that promotes global ideas and perspectives to shape a united world towards one of purpose and unity. It reaches out to about 300,000 leaders and professionals, in political, civil and business fields. Personalities and institutions who have been featured here include: Mr Masaaki Kanai, President of MUJI, Religions for Peace, Mr Paul Finch, Program director of the World Architecture Festival (WAF), Project Syndicate.
Every issue we cover the following topics:
- Commerce – Business, organisation profile and opinion
- Civilisation – Technology, innovation, power, social profile and opinion
- Creativity – Design, arts and cultural profile and opinion
- Case Study – Showcase of organisations and places seeking to make a difference from the inside-out
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