The time has come to stop using broad strokes to condemn companies but to ask, what effective solutions can be designed to overcome complex issues and save our planet.
TheColumnist Articles
The Green Business: It’s beyond separating paper, glass, metal and plastic
The green movement is slowly picking up pace in South East Asia. Inspired by observing decades of frivolous use of resources, one Thai company has decided to do its own part for the environment through its business model and practices.
Think Different
Understanding and defining the impact of design when it is not used as a tool for expression, but rather as a tool for growth, has been our life’s work.
Leadership in an Emerging Asia: An Interview with Claire Chiang
Claire Chiang, Managing Director of Banyan Tree’s retail operations and former Nominated Member of Parliament of Singapore, shares her opinions on leadership and the calibre of today’s emerging leaders.
What is Asia’s Brand of Leadership?
As the globe shifts towards a new world order, what kind of Asia will emerge? Read about the ideas which inspired the Shape the World conference series.
How to be Powerful when you are Powerless
Building an enduring institution is the only way to influence change and shape the future. Lawrence Chong, CEO of Consulus, provides perspectives on how to do so.
The Power of Media: An Interview with Woon Tai Ho
Woon Tai Ho, the man behind the launch and expansion of Channel NewsAsia, shares his views on Asian leadership, their grasp of soft power and their media management capabilities.
Home Team Gallery: Collective Power
Uniting the stories from the different Home Team agencies, Consulus designed an educational exhibition experience that sought to change how people view the homeland security agencies in the Home Team Academy Gallery.
How to embrace failure and begin anew
Preparing for failure and having the will to succeed are what enable greatness to happen. Lawrence Chong shares tips on how your organisation can take failure in stride.
Sri Lanka: Asia’s Next Boom Country
Chitrangani Herat Gunaratne, Chairman of Chartered Institute of Marketing, Sri Lanka, discusses Sri Lanka’s economic boom and what it means for local entrepreneurs.
Creating Tea & Happiness with Teyvika
To make drinking quality tea more scalable and relevant to a mass audience in today’s fast-paced world, Consulus developed the Teyvika brand experience with a modern interpretation.
Innovation in Design: An Interview with Ulrich Schraudolph
Ulrich Schraudolph, co-founder of product development firm XentiQ, provides perspectives on the challenges facing the industrial design sector.