If Vietnamese companies want to compete on an equal footing as a new wave of competition appears on the horizon, then it is a matter of choice and not about the environment.

If Vietnamese companies want to compete on an equal footing as a new wave of competition appears on the horizon, then it is a matter of choice and not about the environment.
In a world where people are seeking meaning and authenticity, it is time to build places that mean something and not merely brand them. Learn how we help a property developer from Kuching contribute to the identity of their hometown.
Innovation is a long journey that will involve many episodes of failures, fears and false starts. Here are some 3 essential elements, on how to take a realistic approach so as to reap sustained results from the process.
Asia is emerging as a big player in the offshore oil and gas sector, but is it capable of producing leaders with a vision to take the industry into its next frontier?
Instead of blindly chasing sales, here’s how financial planners can recast the conversation and shape the world like Starbucks did.
Adrian Mok of HiVelocity, organiser of the Adidas Sundown Marathon, shares how networks figure into the business of sporting events.
Is there a formula for Asian brands in the route to internationalisation? Albert talks about an important aspect that business owners need to focus on – People.
Gerry Rezel is the Vice-President, Communications of the TANGS chain of Department Stores. He shares his thoughts on how to draw in today’s retail consumers and retain them for the long term.
Các thương hiệu cần làm gì để bắt kịp xu hướng và đáp ứng nhu cầu của thế hệ người tiêu dùng thông minh như hiện nay?
Selling value to the smart consumer gets increasingly challenging as they can easily search for the best deal in town. How do brands then serve this new breed of smart consumers?
Sourcing and retaining skilled staff stands as the top issue currently keeping CEOs awake at night. Helena Pham shares tips on how companies can build and retain a winning team, regardless of the current company size, budget and ownership type.
Find out how your company can make more effective use of social media to enhance its online brand experience, create brand advocates and ultimately impact the bottom line.