Gim Hin Lee Pte Ltd, a Singapore company that specialises in the manufacture and distribution of...

Gim Hin Lee Pte Ltd, a Singapore company that specialises in the manufacture and distribution of...
Without a plan to succeed post-merger, all ambitions and good intentions for any deal will come to nought
Frost & Sullivan Coporate Challenge or ‘Frost the Trail’ as it is popularly known will be holding it’s 10th edition in 2015. This event encourages the corporate sector to unite for worthy causes as well as to build stronger ties within the business community. The Columnist had the opportunity to talk with a representative of Frost & Sullivan about why the event is important for the community.
Lawrence Chong, CEO of Consulus was interviewed on 938live. He shared his views on design strategy and the importance of changing the business models of design firms.
Siow Chiang & Company Private Limited, Southeast Asia’s leading wholesaler and manufacturer of sports fishing tackle, has rebranded itself using the new name of SureCatch World.
Community engagement at different levels gains support from your stakeholders or influences opinions. Here’s three examples where organisations used interactivity to boost their signal.
Find out how your company can make more effective use of social media to enhance its online brand experience, create brand advocates and ultimately impact the bottom line.
We shine the spotlight on four countries to give a glimpse of how they will lead the next wave of growth in Asia.
2012 has seen several game changers, from the maturing of social media to the redefining of the role of marketing. From technology to Islamic finance, we have identified seven ideas to look out for in 2013.
Singapore (26/11/2012) – More than 130 senior managers and business owners from Singapore participated in the Print Conference 2012. Co-organised by...
The incremental innovation that many of the latest gadgets tout actually do little to improve the customer experience. Roy Chen, Senior Strategy Consultant at Consulus, outlines what is important in product development.
On 29th November 2012, the first ConsulusCIRCLE Singapore will take place at 31 Hindoo Road to help business leaders identify an inherent and sustainable purpose, so as to design a relevant brand model and achieve a new competitive advantage.