Italy Articles

Industry 4.0 and Its Impact on Business, Strategies for Companies

The talk by Dr Paolo Frizzi on the larger global context of the 4th Industrial Revolution and to further present what we learned at Consulus: that is, how businesses today are becoming extraordinary places where change can be developed and applied. From this point of advantage, business leaders can have a direct role to positively affect this economic shift, in a way, never before experienced in this scale.

Prof. Paolo Frizzi to speak about Global ethic and the peace potential of religions in the European Parliament

Prof. Paolo Frizzi, Academic Coordinator at “Sophia Global Studies” Research Center, Professor of “Religions and Global Processes” at Focolare Movement, Italy and Country Director of Consulus Italy has accepted the invitation to be a speaker at the conference titled “Peace through religion? “Weltethos”/Global ethic and the peace potential of religions” on 16 May in the European Parliament, Strasbourg.

Pope Francis urged global entrepreneurs to change the rules of the socio-economic system

(Photo Credit: EoC Secretariat) 1100 representatives of the Economy of Communion (EoC) from 51 countries had a grand...

Consulus and Sophia University Institute partner to introduce Global Alchemy Leadership and Innovation Program in Italy

The MOU was officially signed today at Sophia University Institute in Loppiano, Italy. Mr Lawrence Chong, Chief Executive Officer of Consulus and Prof. Piero Coda, President of Sophia University Institute represented the two organizations.

Prof. Paolo Frizzi to speak about Global ethic and the peace potential of religions in the European Parliament

Prof. Paolo Frizzi to speak about Global ethic and the peace potential of religions in the European Parliament

Prof. Paolo Frizzi, Academic Coordinator at “Sophia Global Studies” Research Center, Professor of “Religions and Global Processes” at Focolare Movement, Italy and Country Director of Consulus Italy has accepted the invitation to be a speaker at the conference titled “Peace through religion? “Weltethos”/Global ethic and the peace potential of religions” on 16 May in the European Parliament, Strasbourg.

La 4° rivoluzione industriale come una via per l’ideazione: 6 passi per integrare intelligenze e competenze

La 4° rivoluzione industriale come una via per l’ideazione: 6 passi per integrare intelligenze e competenze

Molti di noi sono coscienti che la 4° rivoluzione industriale è ormai prossima e che il suo arrivo cambierà profondamente il nostro modo di vivere, lavorare e intrattenerci. Quindi, tanto più riusciremo a lavorare proficuamente con gli altri, specialmente con chi proviene da altri settori e discipline, tanto più saremo in grado di sviluppare le soluzioni appropriate per la nuova epoca.

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