With positive community engagement, the developers of Health City Novena was able to communicate its vision and purpose through its identity, assisted by Consulus.
Case Study Articles
BIBD: Bruneian At Heart
Collaboration plays a big part in transforming brands that can make a difference in the world. Read how BIBD did it.
ROS: In depth. On point.
The Oil & Gas industry is dominated by big players. How did Rotating Offshore Systems (ROS) rise up the B2B value chain and get awarded the Enterprise 50 Award for its Sustainable Business Model?
Moving Forward with ‘Panache’
“It is no longer acceptable to disregard the systems in place. Let’s get together and make this change possible,” Colin Thoms, Managing Director at Fast Flow
Omega Integration debuts at OGA 2011
The success of the rebranding exercise is not about whether the internal and external stakeholders like the new logo but about whether they are willing to live out the meaning behind this visual presentation.
DST becomes first Bruneian company to complete organisational branding exercise
The rebranding launch was but the first step. Over the coming months DST will introduce a series of activities to keep the momentum. These include the Future Fund, a CSR initiative that aims to nurture promising Bruneian ICT companies, which Consulus also helped to develop.
Tong Ming Xi: The String Experience Refined
The company, known as Ambercraft Violins before being renamed after its founder, underwent a total rebranding to define its business value and chart a new direction for its brand.
Cyclect: Engineering services group offers integrated solutions to meet growing needs in Asia
Local engineering services group Cyclect reached a significant milestone on 25 March with the launch of an enhanced business structure and brand experience, moving toward greater integration in delivering customised solutions for marine, infrastructure and clean energy.
CSSi: Local tape distributor moves into medical industry, expands beyond distribution
Local Singapore firm CSS Industrial (CSSi) has reached a significant milestone by launching their new business model and brand experience.
myVillage: Carnival marks return of beloved Serangoon Garden hangout
A beloved Serangoon Garden hangout will return from a two-year hiatus with a bang.