Brunei Articles

BIBD Launches Perdana Privilege Banking Service

Perdana was created specifically with the Bruneian customer in mind – and not a force fit of features offered by other banks, some of which may have very little relevance to the needs of our clients

BIBD: Bruneian At Heart

Collaboration plays a big part in transforming brands that can make a difference in the world. Read how BIBD did it.

Consulus introduces a ‘Bruneian at Heart’ Banking Experience for Brunei’s leading Islamic Bank, BIBD.

Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam (BIBD) launched their new brand identity and banking experience at its newly refurbished Kiulap Branch

No Longer Business as Usual

2012 has seen several game changers, from the maturing of social media to the redefining of the role of marketing. From technology to Islamic finance, we have identified seven ideas to look out for in 2013.