Brazil Articles

Banco do Nordeste do Brasil Novos Ciclos de Inovação: Integrar e Desenvolver

Inovação é uma palavra usualmente mencionada no ambiente corporativo, para comunicar diferenciação e modernidade. A grande maioria das empresas busca inovar por meios que estão fora do âmbito de suas organizações.

The Global Innovation Consultancy, Consulus arrives in Brazil

Carlos Xavier introduces Consulus Brazil with the purpose of transforming companies, which will contribute to the transformation of the whole country.

Plantando a semente de propósito da Consulus no Brasil

Determinada a crescer com sustentabilidade, a Consulus expandiu- se novamente, dessa vez para o Brasil. A abertura da Consulus-Brasil foi selada nesta data com o acolhimento de Carlos Xavier, nosso consultor sênior naquele País.

Planting the seed of purpose in Consulus Brazil

Relentless in its growth, Consulus has expanded yet again to Brazil. The opening of Consulus Brazil was sealed with the welcoming of Carlos Xavier, our senior consultant in Brazil.

Banco do Nordeste do Brasil : Integrating and Developing New Innovation Cycles

Banco do Nordeste do Brasil : Integrating and Developing New Innovation Cycles

Banco do Nordeste do Brasil (BNB) invited Consulus to carry out an Innovation workshop with its business executives from the state of Bahia. In a three-day meeting, the Unify 4.0 Workshop was held, which included a reflection on the present and future of the BNB, the creation of a new strategy of business visits and, finally, an evaluation of the overall results of the work.

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