Articles Articles

A creative license for parenting in a different age

Is it possible to make parenting easier? For many years, Eric Lim worked in the IT industry. But when he was in his...

Never lost in translation

How Freddy Nicolas turned setbacks and stumbling blocks into a mission-driven business Steps away from the bustling...

Adapting to Global Business Exigency: Unlocking the Potential of Interfaith and Intercultural Innovation

by Dr Farha Iman and Lawrence Chong  The rapid rise of generative AI has been used positively. However,...

Navigating Asia’s Green Revolution: The Business Imperative Post-COP28

by Clara Kwan The 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,...
A conversation about PlaceCORE with Chee Yung, Karthik Karkal and Helena Pham

A conversation about PlaceCORE with Chee Yung, Karthik Karkal and Helena Pham

In order to find out more on what the stakeholders believe that this partnership and PlaceCORE could potentially achieve and what the future holds for the two companies and the communities involved, The Columnist held a conversation with 3 key executives who have and will be much involved in the formulation and implementation of the PlaceCORE design and framework processes.

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