by Lawrence Chong | Jun 11, 2018 | Brazil, Portuguese
Read in English Agora, mais do que nunca, as marcas precisam evoluir seus modelos de negócio mais rapidamente, para permanecerem relevantes. Se você pretende fazer isso, aqui está como começar a proporcionar à sua marca, novas possibilidades e novos mercados. No ano...
by Lawrence Chong | Apr 12, 2018 | Articles
Now, more than ever, brands must evolve their business models faster to stay relevant. And if you intend to do so, here is how you can begin to give your brand a new lease of life. Last year, Apple upended yet another industry, this time an industry that prides itself...
by Lawrence Chong | Aug 15, 2017 | Civilisation, Commerce, English, News & Updates, TheColumnist
3 min read Conceived in 2013 with the vision of building a global movement of companies committed to shaping a better world, World Company Day aims to raise consciousness about the potential of companies in bringing about social change through daily work. More than...
by Lawrence Chong | Jun 30, 2017 | Articles, Changemakers
With the ascent of technology and revolution of business models, we have entered a new age of ideas. This changing economic climate demands a different type of consultants. As the world undergoes a seismic economic revolution, the role of consultant is shifting...
by Lawrence Chong | May 24, 2017 | Brazil, Portuguese
Read in English “Observa-se, de tempos em tempos, que os livros de gestão de empresas e de pessoas mudam nomenclaturas usadas para definir os mesmos pontos, apenas para vender mais livros. Entretanto, algo realmente novo está sendo apresentado ao Brasil, após...