by The Columnist | Jun 20, 2014 | Commerce, English, Singapore, TheColumnist
The Columnist speaks to Low Cheaw Hwei, Head of Product and Service Design for Philips. He shares with us his thoughts on how having a desire to include design in business can benefit organisations. The Columnist (TC): It’s admirable that Philips is...
by The Columnist | May 29, 2014 | English, Singapore, TheColumnist
The Columnist talks to Richard Koh, a principal consultant at Consulus about his experiences in the region. 1. Tell us more about yourself I graduated from the University of Aberdeen (Scotland, UK) with a Degree in Mechanical Engineering. Over a career spanning more...
by The Columnist | May 29, 2014 | TheColumnist, Tiếng Việt, Vietnam, Ý tưởng về Kinh doanh, Ý tưởng về Thiết kế, Ý tưởng về Tổ chức
Read this interview in English → Ông Vũ Thanh Thắng hiện là Phó chủ tịch phụ trách phần cứng – Bkav Corporation và Giám đốc công ty SmartHome. Bkav là Tập đoàn công nghệ trong các lĩnh vực an ninh mạng, phần mềm, chính phủ điện tử, nhà sản xuất các thiết bị điện tử...
by The Columnist | May 28, 2014 | Commerce, English, Singapore, TheColumnist, World Company Day
In this series we feature World Company Day (WCD) Signatories from around the world. We hope that these stories will encourage you, that you too can make a difference in your daily work. WCD speaks with Adrien Desbaillets, President at SaladStop!, Singapore. World...
by The Columnist | May 27, 2014 | Civilisation, English, TheColumnist
By Paul Byrne-Moroney I had a secret. I kept it from my family and friends for more than 20 years. I had always known I looked different from other boys and men, including my brothers, but I didn’t know why. I avoided any situation where my body would be...