Navigating through Covid-19 crisis is challenging, but not impossible.

Covid-19 Pivot Program

Designed to journey with you from start to end

Covid-19 Pivot Program

Designed to journey with you from start to end

Covid-19 Crisis Consultation

We’re providing a complimentary 60-minute Covid-19 Consultation for leaders of SMEs and non-profit organisations who want a review and are looking for the following

Solutions to transform your company and get it ready for future challenges

Effective strategies that will improve your company’s finances

Effective strategies that will improve your company’s finances

Enhance your company’s capabilities to withstand current and future challenges


Enhance your company’s capabilities to withstand current and future challenges

Covid-19 Pivot Clinic

Implementable Pivot Plan in 3 weeks for small¹ and large² enterprise

¹Micro Business Clinic: for enterprises below $1 million annual turnover
²Macro Business Clinic: for enterprises above $1 million annual turnover

Covid-19 Resilience Project

Full implement of solutions

Pivot for

New Sales

1. Opportunities Mapping

  • 2 weeks of review of unique opportunities based on organisation

2. Sales Process Design

  • 2 weeks of sales process design (include 1 day of presentation)

3. Implementation of New Sales Tools

  • Development of sales guide and training of staff to use the strategic tool.

Pivot for

New Operations

1. Process Mapping

  • 2 weeks of review of processes 

2. Operations Redesign 

  • New SOP design (include 1 day of presentation)

3. Implementation of New Operational Tools  

  • New SOP guide & training staff to use strategic tool.


Pivot for

New Financing

1. Finance Mapping

  • 2 weeks of review of value proposition and possible financing strategies, including possible grants, loans or investment strategies

2. Proposal Design

  • 2 weeks of development of financing or investment strategy (include 1 day of presentation)

3. Implementation of Financing Plan

  • Development of final proposal and presentation to relevant stakeholder(s)

Pivot for

New Work Habit

1. Work Habits Mapping

  • 2 weeks of review of processes and possible ways of implementing digital tools

2. New Work Habits Design

  • 2 weeks of review of processes and redesign (include 1 day of presentation)

3. Implementation of New Work Habits

  • New work habits guide & training staff to use strategic tool.

Are you ready to pivot your business? Attend our Crisis Consultation Today!  

Our Advantages and Track Record

Follow us for latest news on training programmes on professional development and corporate strategy online. 



About us 

We are a global innovation consultancy with multidisciplinary business and design capabilities. Since 2004, our UNIFY methodology has helped companies gain new capabilities and competitive advantage by redesigning their business models, organisational culture and brand experiences. This enables them to sharpen their capacity to innovate and meet the challenges of Industry 4.0.

The custom-built solutions that Consulus offers have allowed our clients to increase revenue by over 138%, expand to overseas markets, develop new products and intellectual property and prepare the next generation of leaders to drive and sustain high-growth.

Today, Consulus is present in Singapore (World Centre), Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, India, Italy, Laos, Myanmar, New Zealand, Slovakia, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, United States of America, and Vietnam.

Consulus is also a member of the Economy of Communion business network.