The ‘black swan’ aviation incident of MH370 is not likely go away anytime soon due to the prolonged search mission. So any time a search update comes along, it will continue to affect the brand, says Lawrence Chong, CEO of Consulus. Lawrence said this in extensive comments to Marketing Interactive. When asked how the brand can be revived, he shared that the company should delist from the stock exchange so as to give it time to regroup under the radar and properly rationalise the business. With a more sensible business model in place, it will then have the opportunity to succeed in making a comeback. To find out more about his latest comments on another aviation brand, read the Marketing Magazine article here.
Consulus partners with Jurubina Unireka to creatively shape Sarawakian enterprises for future resilience and become global brands
Kuching, Sarawak - Our Principal Ar. Kuan Chee Yung & Consulus have been active in Sarawak since 2011 with Sarawak Botanic Gardens, Sarawak Museum Campus, The Isthmus Hub and Saradise Masterplans. We have also delved deep into shaping creative business models...